What You'll Get as a Contributor...
Grow your list, add value to your tribe and make money with the biggest Podcast Giveaway ever created
- Marketing and Growth
- Monetization and Offers
- Advertising and Sponsorships
- Creation and Launch
- Joint Ventures and Affiliates
- Summits and Community
Reach 1,000,000 Podcasters
Your name and resource in front of projected 1,000,000 people (tons of new leads!!!)
Expert Interview
10-minute interview with Tony to highlight your expertise and your gift
Prizes Create Awareness
Increase the awareness for your products, services, software and events
Generate Leads
Generate leads when you put your high-value gift in front of over 1 million aspiring podcasters.
Get Sales
Generate more sales when you list your deal in our marketplace
Podcast Profit Club - $1,182 value
1-hour interview with Tony to highlight your expertise in the Podcast Profit Club reaching all subscribers
What to Expect
Contributor Obligations:
Here's how to crush your promotion:
This site has everything you need to grow your list, add value to your tribe and make money with the biggest Podcast Giveaway ever created.
Inventory Your Audience
Contributors should have a responsive list of at least 3,000 email subscribers and a social media following of at least 3,000 followers.
A Relevant Gift
You will be required to submit a valuable resource - a mini-program or a training (not a lead magnet or freebie you normally give away for free) in one of these categories - Marketing and Growth, Monetization and Offers, Sponsorships, Creation and Launch, Joint Ventures, or Networking and Community
Minimum $200 Value
This course, program or training must be valued at over $200, but set to be FREE for giveaway participants.
Promote the Giveaway
Each contributor is required to send 3 solo emails to their full list during the promotional period, minimum of 3 social media posts and host one FB Live or Interview of your own to promote the giveaway.
Branded Opt-In Page
Each contributor is required to provide a link to your own gift opt-in page (branded with the giveaway banner), along with your bio, headshot, graphics for your gift and enticing description at least 7 days prior to promotion.
Paid Offers After 10 Days
No paid offers until 10 days after the Giveaway
better than
No risk guarantee
The Ultimate Podcasting Giveaway is the first of two pre-launch giveaways for Castocity – the first is for Castocity Host, followed by Castocity Guest (scheduled for November 2021).
We are so confident that we will reach 1 Million Podcasters that we will renew your contribution level for free in our next giveaway if we fall short of our goal.
Frequently Asked Questions
You can access tracking links directly from the Partner Portal. You will need to embed the links where indicated in the swipe files below. This is critical as it’s how your sales are tracked to you!
We pay you 40% commission on any Castocity member that purchases a lifetime subscription.
We pay out commission 2 months in arrears, through paypal.
Please reach out to us, via email at partners@castocity.com
Also, make sure you are in our FB group for partners to get the first look at updates!

Still Have Questions?
- Founder | Castocity Software and Profitable Podcasting System
- Awarded | 2009 Google Agency of Year
- Experienced | Over $400 Million in Ad Spend with Google
- Fortune 500 | Ford Motor Company, ADP, AutoNation, GM
- >10,000+ | Small Businesses across every industry B2B / B2C
- Entrepreneur | Crystal Apple Award Best New Product