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[if 8457 not_equal=””]- [foreach 8454]
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About the Episode
Title: [if 8154 equals=””]Add Your Title âžœ[/if 8154] [if 8154 not_equal=””][8154][/if 8154]
Show: [8352]
Type: [8027]
Listeners: [8355]
Episode Hashtags
[if 8458 equals=””]Add Your Episode Hastags[/if 8458] [if 8458 not_equal=””][8458][/if 8458]
Episode Notes
Offer 1
Offer: [9471]
Offer Code: [9471 show=7207]
Expiration: [9471 show=1527]
Value: [9471 show=1529]
Scarcity: [9471 show=1538]
Redemption: [9471 show=7208 wpautop=0]
Reason: [9471 show=1528 wpautop=0]
Description: [9471 show=1536 wpautop=0]
Offer 2
Offer: [9470]
Offer Code: [9470 show=7207]
Expiration: [9470 show=1527]
Value: [9470 show=1529]
Scarcity: [9470 show=1538]
Redemption: [9470 show=7208 wpautop=0]
Reason: [9470 show=1528 wpautop=0]
Description: [9470 show=1536 wpautop=0]
Episode Summary
[if 9473 equals=””]Add Your Episode Summary[/if 9473] [if 9473 not_equal=””][9473][/if 9473]
Quote 1:[9475]
Quote 2:[9476]
Key Takeaways
Takeaway 1: [9479]
Takeaway 2: [9480]
Takeaway 3: [9481]
Takeaway 4: [9482]
Takeaway 5: [9483]
Guest Topics
The Guest Topics module is only available when selecting the “Interview” show type from the Episode Options
Guest Info
Guests: [8812]
Name: [8812 show=”8614″ show_info=8029] [8812 show=”8614″ show_info=8176]
Tagline: [8812 show=”8614″ show_info=8489 wpautop=0]
Bio: [8812 show=”8614″ show_info=8618 wpautop=0]
Guest Topics
Toggle the Buttons Below to Select Your Guest Topics
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
Promotional Graphics
[if 8158 equals=””]Add Your Episode Artâžœ[/if 8158]” link=”file” size=medium]
Episode Art
[if 7979 equals=””]Add Your Episode Artâžœ[/if 7979][if 7979 not_equal=””]” link=”file” size=medium][/if 7979]