Podcast Description:

Created in the Spiritual Legacy of the Harlem Renaissance, Elm City LIT Fest Podcast is a celebration of Books, Literature and Literary Artists with the purpose of enhancing Literacy while promoting awareness of local, regional and global artists of the African Diaspora. This biweekly live show features interviews with cultural creators and leaders who work at sharing the stories of a people through various genres of the arts.

The podcast culminates each year with an annual festival. 

Audience and Core Topics

Elm City LIT Fest Podcast caters to people who are interested in books, stories, music, and all things literary created and led by and about Black people. Our audience tends to be all ages, educated and aware of or at least interested in the struggles of Black peoples. They are well read and connected to their communities.

Guests Wanted


Ife Michelle Gardin

Shamain McCallister

Subscription Links:

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