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Strategic Alliance Master Toolkit

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Available Until: October 16, 2021
9725,679.00 Value

Strategic Alliance Master Toolkit

Sixty of the best business courses, workshops and done for you services are available as one glorious “bundle” at 99.6% off of the collective price of $25,679. Yes, you read that correctly - if you bought them individually, you’d be $25,679 lighter in the bank account.

This is your chance to finally 10X your business with powerful, strategic alliances and successful shortcuts for a measly sum of $97.

Who is this for?

Anyone in business who wants to get serious about making more money.

No matter where you are in your journey, if you’re just starting out or an experienced pro, you’ll find at least 4 or 5 resources that will be an immense help in getting you over that profit hump that you just can’t seem to conquer.

It’s like a Buffet of Best Business Tools.

Here is a small sampling of some of the biz-building delicacies inside the Strategic Alliance Master Toolkit:

- Jane M. Powers famous INTROmercialⓇ Impact to turn your elevator pitch from “snore” to Wow (value $197);
- Tom Matzen Strategic Alliance Mastery Program to 10x your biz with partnerships (value $1970);
- Julieanne O’Connor 3 months of social media content created for just you (value $397);
- Lifecycle Marketing Mastery by David Baer to create winning systems to attract, convert, and retain more clients, AND make more money doing it (value $295);
- From The Stage To A Sales Call Workshop with Dannella Burnett a live workshopLive Workshop how to get your ideal audience members to raise their hand and enter your world (value $197);
- Get Things Done by Timone Vinke and finally finish that to-do list (value $1500); and
- 5 Tips to Get your Sexy Back and Blow the Lid off your Business Revenue with Suzanne Pool (value $97); 49 more resources, all in one juicy toolkit!